Ben and Lindy's Travels

Living the nomadic lifestyle
My photo
in April 2010, we started the next phase of our retirement as ex-pats in Ajijic Mexico.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First stop Mazatlan, Mexico

Adios Denver!

Around 2 p.m. we arrived in Mazatlan welcomed by 90 degree heat. A Presidential visit snarled traffic as the taxi driver navigated to our apartment. During the next six weeks we will be on Mexico time here in Mazatlan, taking in the culture, visiting the sites and learning the language.

Our first full day we toured the city to get our bearings.

The City of Mazatlan taken from the cliffs

The blue, blue Pacific

The old harbor...the lighthouse is on the hill beyond

"Chicken bus" singer

On the way home we were entertained by a young man who did his best to belt our some sixties tunes in Spanish. Unfortunately, he really couldn't play the guitar or carry a tune! He did however manage to collect a few Pesos for his efforts.

Stay tuned.....Ben and Lindy

The city of Mazatlan taken from the cliffs above the town.

1 comment:

  1. Ben, Thanks for sharing your blog. It is now one of my Favorite Places so I can check back for updates. It's good to see your smiling face. It appears you are enjoying the fruits of your years of labor. Next time someone gets up to sing '60's songs on a chicken bus you should show them how to sing it right. We'd enjoy a picture of that too. Looking forward to meeting Lindy someday. Karl
